Thursday, June 28, 2012

::Tasty Thursday::

~Brazilian Dinner~

The Hubs served his mission in Sao Paulo Brazil and loves Brazilian food. So when I asked him what he wanted for dinner on Father's Day he said Brazilian food. Our Best Bites is an amazing recipe blog, and they have a few Brazilian recipes on there too. The very first time I used pinterest, I went on their website to pin some of my favorite recipes I've used and loved. One of those is their Quick Brazilian Cheese Rolls~or for you Portuguese speaking peeps Pao de Queijo! These are a favorite in our family, and the Hubs really loves them. He remembers buying them off street vendors everyday and loved it! 

Another recipe I found on Our Best Bites was their Quick and Easy Black Beans, another Brazilian dish that needed to be added to the menu. We added ham to our Black Beans and they turned out fabulous. 

One last recipe that needed to be added to our meal, that is another favorite of the Hubs was their Brazilian Lemonade. It turned out so good and he was so happy with the dinner. Now, I have a confession to make. I'm not the best cook, and I don't manage my time good at all in the kitchen, so the Hubs did help out. He handled the Steak, Beans, and Rice while I did the Lemonade and Pao de Queijo. It turned out great and I think we are going to need to make this meal again soon. (Quick side note, my eggs were old that is why my Pao de Queijo has sunk in the middle! Also, make sure to use Tapioca Flour in these rolls!)

Sara from Our Best Bites is the master mind behind the Brazilian food, and if you are worried about it being authentic, don't be. She lived in Brazil and learned how to make these recipes from Brazilians. So there ya go, super authentic and super delicious. Thanks for sharing these great recipes with us Sara.

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